Confession time...
This summer I watched reality TV. WTF?!?! Yes, apparently, even I am capable of sucomming to the horrors that cable brings us in the off season. How did this happen you ask? Well, there I was, flipping around, when I came across NBC's America's Got Talent. There was this dude with a giant puppet wearing a feather boa on his arm. I thought to myself 'Oh goodie. Yet another douche bag who thinks he's capable of getting a couple of yucks from bantering with a puppet. Here's hoping I don't see his lips move.' I settled in with every intention of making a full on negative commentary. Then, the son-of-a-bitch made me eat my words. I was captivated and he totally blew me away!! Shit, I started to tune in just to see him. And then, when it came to down to the final, I freely admit that I voted - multiple times! Yes, I got on my phone and then proceeded to use up my votes on TX ventriloquist Terry Fator.
Needless to say, I'm delighted that he won. I wasn't able to catch Tuesday's finale due to class, but give thanks for the internet. And now for those of you who may not have been sucked into the AGT abyss (or perhaps were spending your evenings on some other guilty pleasure), I give you the amazing Terry Fator and his friends. ENJOY!!!
My first encounter
Simply brilliant (my personal favorite)
The big winner (the final four performance)
The show stopper (too brilliant for words!!)
This summer I watched reality TV. WTF?!?! Yes, apparently, even I am capable of sucomming to the horrors that cable brings us in the off season. How did this happen you ask? Well, there I was, flipping around, when I came across NBC's America's Got Talent. There was this dude with a giant puppet wearing a feather boa on his arm. I thought to myself 'Oh goodie. Yet another douche bag who thinks he's capable of getting a couple of yucks from bantering with a puppet. Here's hoping I don't see his lips move.' I settled in with every intention of making a full on negative commentary. Then, the son-of-a-bitch made me eat my words. I was captivated and he totally blew me away!! Shit, I started to tune in just to see him. And then, when it came to down to the final, I freely admit that I voted - multiple times! Yes, I got on my phone and then proceeded to use up my votes on TX ventriloquist Terry Fator.
Needless to say, I'm delighted that he won. I wasn't able to catch Tuesday's finale due to class, but give thanks for the internet. And now for those of you who may not have been sucked into the AGT abyss (or perhaps were spending your evenings on some other guilty pleasure), I give you the amazing Terry Fator and his friends. ENJOY!!!
My first encounter
Simply brilliant (my personal favorite)
The big winner (the final four performance)
The show stopper (too brilliant for words!!)