'Cause you know if I post this, then it's only going to change. Oh well, here goes nothing...
I was burning the late night oil (HUGE midterm today - over now - phew!!) and had ESPN on for background noise. Well, after the highlight reel from yet another Brett Favre history making moment (Go PACK!!), 'As the NY Yankees Turns' proceeded to have diarrhea of the mouth so to speak. Highlights:
Girardi coming in as Skipper.
Works for me.
A-Rod leaving.
I say good riddens. I can't wait to see what we can stock the bullpen with now that his over-inflated salary will need to be put to good use elsewhere.
Donnie Baseball says bye-bye.
Say WHA?!?!?!
Joe Torre may go to the Dodgers and take Don with him.
I'll wait for the next conflicting report to emerge on this one given that the Dodgers need to buy out Grady Little first.
Now, as thinking too far into this will most likely result in giving me a brain cramp, I think I'll just leave it at that. I need to retain the few neurons that I have left in order to make it through class later anyway...