
Should I Even Bother?

'Cause you know if I post this, then it's only going to change. Oh well, here goes nothing...

I was burning the late night oil (HUGE midterm today - over now - phew!!) and had ESPN on for background noise. Well, after the highlight reel from yet another Brett Favre history making moment (Go PACK!!), 'As the NY Yankees Turns' proceeded to have diarrhea of the mouth so to speak. Highlights:

Girardi coming in as Skipper.

Works for me.

A-Rod leaving.

I say good riddens. I can't wait to see what we can stock the bullpen with now that his over-inflated salary will need to be put to good use elsewhere.

Donnie Baseball says bye-bye.

Say WHA?!?!?!

Joe Torre may go to the Dodgers and take Don with him.

I'll wait for the next conflicting report to emerge on this one given that the Dodgers need to buy out Grady Little first.

Now, as thinking too far into this will most likely result in giving me a brain cramp, I think I'll just leave it at that. I need to retain the few neurons that I have left in order to make it through class later anyway...


Yup, It's Baseball - AGAIN...

Hi all. First, my sincere apologies to Ourika and those of you who have messaged me in disappointment of seeing the musical reference only to discover that the post was about Baseball. However, that's just the way it is right now. I'm finding that when I have a bit of time away from school, work, and life in general that the only thing that is making me truly happy is Baseball. I've always been a rabid fan, but this season I found myself more in tune with the game than the last five years. I think it's because when I'm taking a break (whether it be at 8pm or 2am) that I can turn on the tube or hop on the net and find it. Also, I don't have to feel bad 'hanging up' on a game when I have to get back to work. So, please forgive me, but chances are that Baseball is going to be the topic 'round these parts for a while.

OK then, on with the show...

Turns out that we still don't have an answer from Steinbrenner, Inc and won't have one until the end of the World Series. Thank you Bud Selig who seems to believe that if the Yankees announce who the new manager will be that it will distract from the Series. Hello? The only thing distracting (or perhaps I should say repelling??) people from the Series right now is the fact that Boston is up by 2 games. Blech. So, as I wait patiently to see who will be leading my boys next season, I will do what all Yankee fans are bred to do: ROUTE AGAINST BOSTON! Although I was big time apathetic during the NLCS after Philly got knocked out, I am now riding the Rockies band wagon...



The Latest Chapter...

As the soap opera that is the New York Yankees continues to spin along its merry-go-round, enter Don Mattingly - Donnie Baseball; Number 23; Mr. Eight Time Gold Glove Winner; Mr. .407 Career Slugging Percentage; whatever you would like to call him... will head to Tampa this coming week to meet with the Steinbrenner, Inc. regarding the open manager's position.

I know I should be excited; but, instead, I'm somewhat torn about this. Don't get me wrong - I LOVE the man (sat along the first base line many a time during the late eighties and early nineties just to watch him in action); and believe that he will make an excellent manager. But, I'm not sure that this is the 'right' time to do it. I always knew that he would be a Yankee forever and would ultimately rise to the position of skipper; and was totally delighted when he moved from hitting coach to bench coach this last season. However, I'm fearing that the front office is looking to perhaps take advantage of the vulnerability of the team and may look to hire Don under some sort of 'situational contract' that could ultimately cause all kinds of turmoil. What will Steinbrenner do if he hires Don and the 2008 team fails to make it to the Series, or even to the playoffs? Could Don sadly turn into the next Billy Martin? OK, not that bad, but you know what I'm trying to say. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how this pans out...

So, as the interviewees (former catcher Joe Girardi and current first base coach Tony Pena are also scheduled) descend upon Tampa, I will hope that Steinbrenner, Inc. pulls their collective head out of it's ass and does this in a decent and professional manner. After all, we ALL only want what's best for the Bombers.

Ah yes, some final words before I get back to work...



Oh Joe, Say It Ain't So...

This is yet another one of those times that proves that all good things must come to an end. Yes, boys and girls, the news is true... After 12 years as skipper of the Bronx Bombers, Joe Torre is leaving. And as sad as I am, I really cannot blame him. What Steinbrenner, Inc. did to this man was not only incorrigible, but down right insulting. Seriously, who looks to give a manager who lead a team to 12 straight post season births a one year deal with incentives for going to the postseason along with a clause that says that the position will only be tenured if the team makes it to the Series? Talk about sad. Sad for the whole Yankee family - except for those who planned this perfectly; and who were no doubt clanking their champagne glasses together after Torre's news conference earlier today.

Oh yes, George, Hal, Hank, this means you. For 10 days you sat around and tried to figure out a way to get this to work in your favor without actually having to fire the man. Well, you may have gotten your way, but you're all still looking like the southern end of the north bound horse thanks to this little stunt.

Joe, I'll miss you - deeply. I will also miss those players who will no doubt now take leave of the team as you will no longer be there to guide them. However, please know that I do not, and will not, think any less of any of you; but rather, will continue to hold the memories that you have given me over the last decade. My twenties were, thanks to you and your players, the best of my 'baseball years'; but I know that there will be more to come.

Best wishes to you Joe. You will certainly be missed...


Some End Of Season Parting Words...

To my boys:

I LOVE you no matter what and always will.


To Steinbrenner (aka - the jackass of the front office):

For you, whom I do not care for one iota; I have an all together different message:

If you fire Joe Torre, I will personally come to NY and stage a one woman riot in right field. I have been a Yankee fan since I found out what the word 'baseball' meant nearly 30 years ago; and can say with all honesty that firing Joe would be the STUPIDEST move you have EVER made. And you sir, have made more than a few stupid moves...