
What's in a name anyway?

So, here we are on day two and I think that I should provide the 411 on the title and the address of this here blog. Let's start off with the title: Monkeyshines. The dictionary definition of the word monkeyshine is a playful or mischievous prank (often used in the plural form). Also, it seems that 'Monkeyshines' is the name of a 1988 movie, adapted from the book of the same name by Michael Stewart, where a little helper monkey with a part human brain becomes evil when her person starts to date again. This, I gotta read! However, neither of these inspired the title.

The title is derived from a nickname that my dear friend Nathan once used when speaking about me to another one of his friends. If you haven't figured it out by now, I adore monkeys. And as it turns out, my job is working with the little darlings (yes, cool, I know). So, when he was speaking to this said friend, he referred to me as 'Little Miss Monkeyshines'. Needless to say I found it rather endearing and decided to keep it. There, now you know.


Christine said...

E-E-E...(that's my best monkey-ese)

Dwardisimo Rex said...

Funny that I should stumble upon your blog. "Monkeyshine" is a turn my friends and I use to describe a drink -- usually beer -- that smells and or tastes bad. Much like the widely used "skunk beer." I don't know, small word I guess. By the way, no offense.