Hi there. I know, I know... long time, no post. Sorry 'bout that. However, sadly, you all may have to get used to that for a while as I'm going to be super freaking busy for the next few weeks. Why? Well, of course there is the ever present 12 hour a day job; but in addition, I'm moving! Yes sir re, I'm getting the heck out of Dodge and heading north to the City of Brotherly Love. My first professional job was in Philadelphia, and it's one of my favorite places in this great land of ours. Needless to say, I'm excited to be returning. Getting to watch the Japanese tourists strike a pose next to the Commodore Barry Statue in Independence Square is just a bonus!
So, why am I going? Next fall, I'm going to be starting a graduate program to boost my chances of acceptance to veterinary school. Seriously, nothing is like being 30 something and looking to change careers. People get all wigged out - especially admission departments. "Well, you've been out of school a long time and we just don't feel you'll be able to handle the challenging curriculum of this program. Especially given the grades you received 13 years ago". No, no, I guess I can't. Not me who graduated my masters suma cum laude and has been working as a scientific/veterinary professional for over five years. Buffy over there who was only doing keg stands last week is oh so much more capable of handling a professional medical curriculum. Sorry. My bad.
No, no, I'm not bitter...
So, in order to make all the dolts in the offices happy, I'm off to spend two years in a night program to revamp my 'skills' in biochemistry, microbiology and the always joyful, histology. And, given that the classes are cleverly scheduled for late afternoons and early evenings, I'll be able to work full time! Joy! Yet two more years with no life. However, work is necessary to keep the roof over my head and allow me and the cat to eat from time to time, so I'm delighted to have been offered the position. Not to mention that I'm going back to surgery! I'm THRILLED to say the least.
OK then, that should bring you up to date, so I will sign off with a picture of one of my favorite places in Philadelphia. It's even nicer when you're cruising down the Schuylkill in a skull, but this will do fine. Ladies and Gents, Boat House Row...

1 comment:
Man, I feel you in the work department. My blog has been a ghost town the last month because work has been kicking my ass. I've been doing a lot of travel and pulling a lot of 10+ hour days. It gets old after awhile.
Congratulations on the move, though! It's too bad they're making you go back to school, though. Well, I guess ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Sure seems like we work harder then our parents but we end up with less. How much worse can inflation/cost of living get?!
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