
Me Peepers

So, the eye doctor told me that I should try not to 'strain' my eyes so much or I'm going to end up back in bifocals (bad enough that my contacts are now two different scripts). Suggestions included things such as less time at the computer, less time performing 'close' tasks at work, getting some reading glasses, etc... As I really don't feel like going back to 'geek city' (I've got enough trouble without the bifocal stigma), I think the first thing I'll do is enlarge the font here on **Monkeyshines**. Gotta start someplace, right?


Christine said...

We're all going to Hell in a handbasket my dear. How's the furry beast? Mine are beating each other up as I write (Max and Whisky, the dominance struggle continues). I hope this weekend goes smoothly! I can't wait to hear a full report.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for making the font larger. I always have a hard time reading your blog, and I've got almost 20/20 vision!

The doc probably already made the suggestions of resting your eyes and keeping them moistened so that they don't dry out (I can't ifgure out why moist eyes means less strained eyes, but they tell me that it's true, and I do find that to be true), but make sure that you don't stare at a computer screen for more than 45 minutes without getting up and looking away for a few minutes. Same thing for books and paperwork. Keep things like refresh plus around (they've got no preservatives and the single serving packets fit in your pocket :-) so that when you do stare at a computer screen you don't get dry eye. I do know that staring at a computer screen or a book can lead to a dryer eye because you don't blink as much.

Anyway, I don't think that bifocals are a Geek Squad thing. I wore them in high school and college, and we all know how cool and trendy I've always been ;-)
