That, boys and girls, is the premier attraction of the Davey Crockett Interactive Outpost in downtown San Antonio, TX - right down the street from the Alamo and nestled next to Ripley's Believe it or Not. I personally think that this should be a display for Ripley's. Instead, this frightening creature sits out front and 'dances' at the waist while it pumps the gun up and down, points out into the street and belts the song Davey Crockett. If I hadn't been so weirded out, I would have had the good sense to take a short video to post. But, alas, a still is all I have to share. I dare say it's enough.
Other than that, the ASP meeting was a blast! I had a great time catching up with old students, friends, and colleagues; 'did' the Alamo (where they have a log from Davey Crockett's childhood home on display - complete with plaque; still pissed that photos weren't allowed inside because that's a really hard sell without evidence); walked the lovely river walk through downtown San Antonio; got nice and drunk a couple of times; and just talked monkey. I had a great time and didn't miss DC one bit.
Things I did miss, however, included NRT. Sorry kids, no internet access and well, I was just a touch busy on Thursday night drinking beer and whatnot. So, to make up for that, I present something that I found on another blog - Electric Monkey Pants. You will now find a link to this blog over yonder in the 'fellow blogger' links. It's good read - check it out. Anyway, if you know Outkast's Hey Ya (if not - take a listen here - I can almost guarantee you'll start boppin' along) you're going to love this cover. It's performed by Mat Weddle of the band Obadiah Parker (who are pretty good - a little folk, a little funk; light and easy on the ears and soul). But anyway, on this cover, it's just him and his six string doing a folked up version and it's AMAZING. Click here and enjoy. If your ears like what they hear, he also does Bjork!
Hey Chica! So do you know the front man for Keane is now in rehab? I'm glad to hear about your trip and all of the sordid details. Note to self: If ever in TX beware of Davy C and his rifle!
Welcome back. I've missed your comments and content. It sure sounds like you had a great time. Traveling for work — when it's not all the time — can be oodles of fun. I don't travel much for the agency I work for now but the last place I worked, I traveled a lot for weeks at a time. Hoo-boy, what fun. It's easy to get used to living high on the hog.
Haven't heard any good music lately but I saw that Ben Harper's new collection came out I and I hope to get my hands on it.
Okay, you know how I mentioned how monkey's have mysteriously permeated my life? This is weird. Of course, the agency I work for has a logo that represents, well, the company as a whole. Well, my creative director got a wild hair and decided that we needed our own department logo — independent from the rest of the agency. So he concocted this logo that basically says “creative” in a gothic-looking type face and has a posterized, scary, screaming, monkey face. I think I’m going to get it tattooed across my back.
Thanks for the shout-out, Little Miss. I've added your blog to my blogroll over at Electric Monkey Pants as well. Monkey-themed bloggers gotta stick together! Maybe we should get some sort of Monkey Blog Ring going... :-)
dwardisimo: for more monkey-madness, I've found yet another monkey-named blog for ya: Kung Fu Monkey
The author is pretty funny; it's a good read.
I'm so jealous. I wish I could go and talk monkey with people who actually knew/cared about what was being dicussed.
Have I mentioned lately that I hate my job and almost walked out last week?
We shall have to chat soon. It's 5:00 and I've already cracked open a bottle of wine, so tonight may not be so good. But perhaps tomorrow? I'd love to hear more about your trip too so that I can seethe in even more jealous jealousness.
I am sincerely glad that you enjoyed yourself and were not lured into a horrible live of animatronics by the freakish Davey Crockett.
PS I accidently discovered Keane awhile back and, thanks to you, need to dig out my CD and reintroduce myself.
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