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Yeah, I know, not a whole lot of posts lately. Two reasons: (1) really busy at work and on the homefront (big news to be posted in the future); (2) I have managed to hurt myself - again. Let's just say that I can't cook and my right index finger has paid a terrible price...

Anyway, due to the fact that my typing skills are somewhat diminished right now, and because, well, it's just too damn brilliant not to share, today's post is simply a link to I Don't Remember Eating That and one of D-ward's best ever rantings on the current government administration. After a break from blogging due to some craziness in his neck of the woods, Sir Rex has come back - on fire! Bravo, friend! The rest of you? Click below and read the post from Tuesday, October 3 (should be right at the top of the page). I promise that you will be emotionally charged and will think just a little deeper about the goings on around us.


Dwardisimo Rex said...

Wow, thanks for the endorsement and the link.

When I sat down to write that I had only planned on writing one, short paragraph. I just couldn't stop myself. Honestly, though, it was rather therapeutic.

What in the hell did you do to your hand? Nothing major, I hope. Are you going to be okay?

You've piqued my interest with you "big news" comment. I wonder: does it have anything to do with veterinary school, hmm?

Dwardisimo Rex said...

Check this out: http://movies.crooksandliars.com/CountDown-SpecialComment-BushLies.mov

Dwardisimo Rex said...

Wow, you missed NRT this week. I hope things are cool.