It seems that when I was honoring Bill Cosby yesterday, I managed to leave out his other great piece of children's programming. I apologize. My friend Ourika (see my blog links for a further glimpse into her psyche) reminded me about Picture Pages! Originally created by Captain Kangaroo(!), Bill came on in the late 70s to host the shorts. How the hell could I forget Picture Pages? "Open up your Picture Pages..." Mortimer Marker? Come on!! Best part of this whole thing? When I went in search of footage (and sadly only found some bizarre re-done theme from the early 90s - BAH) I found this!! . Enjoy, gen x'ers, enjoy... Next up? "I'm just a bill..." But I'll save that for another day. Why? Well, because it's NEW RELEASE THURSDAY!!!!
However, first, I should probably give a glimpse into as to why I'm typing like I've been eating too much paste. Well, I've had quite the crappy week and when I got home, dinner consisted of two beers and 1/2 a pita while I watched the cartoon network (not that you really give a shit). That, combined with the fact that I've gotten minimal sleep this week, means that I'm just a tad giddy. Anywho, on with New Release Thursday. There is of course a new monkey to view, and it's in honor of this week's Get Fuzzy cartoon strips. Thank you Darby Conley!
To keep you in suspense for just one more minute, thanks are also in order for my blogging buddy, Dwardisimo Rex, for adding to the musical fun on his blog: I Don't Remember Eating That (again, see the blog links for a glimpse into his psyche). Seriously, you should go to check out the very cool band he's posted - Super Black Market. Pretty good stuff - even for 6am in my opinion. And while you're there, see what DR has to say about this crazy world as well.
OK then, enough already!!!
This week's album is Interpol's Antics. Originally, I was going to put out some much harder, angrier stuff (remember, I've had a crappy week), but then I did my weekly check of CMJ. I'm sad to report that Weezer is on hiatus - again, but delighted to report that Interpol is working on a third album. I am SOOO happy to hear this. And you'll be happy to hear and see them do their thing by clicking on the 'ear candy' link to the right. Antics is catchy and original with just a smidge of Joy Division thrown in around the edges. The key track in my opinion is Evil, but the whole damn thing is good from top to bottom. Now, be warned that the 'ear candy' link is to Yahoo! music as I'm trying to provide posts where you'll be able to hear the band if you've never heard them before. You may need a Yahoo! login ID to get access. If you ain't got one, make one; or you'll be SOL...
Holy smokes. I haven't thought about Mortimer Ichabod in ages. He was awesome-o, if not a wee bit creepy. And speaking of Fat Albert.
By the way, thanks a bunch for the nice endorsement. I'm glad you like my musical highlight. I would have felt bad to pay tribute to you only to have you not dig the music I chose. Also, thanks for endorsing my rantings, it's nice to have an audience. I like the cut of your jib.
Hey, I don't know if you'll get this in time (you probably already know about it) but NPR's Science Friday is going to broadcast a story on the eating habits of Meerkats.
If you miss it, I'm sure you could listen to it on line and/or download it. Hell, you're probably one of the guests on the show.
The Picture Pages song has been in my head since yesterday. I must look silly bopping along in my good tiedye dress (what else would I wear on my last day of work?!?!) singing the song when no one's looking!
What? Dinner didn't involve a beer float for dessert? You know if I dated men whose name started with anything other than "J" or "M", I would so be stalking Darby Collins. Bucky is da bomb!
I finally got to check out the youtube link (I was at work the other day and couldn't watch it).
Taoist_pagan started singing along! He was so excited.
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