Here it is, Friday night, in our Nation's Capital. What have I accomplished? Well, I had dinner with my sister, had a beer; then ran home, grabbed another beer, and watched the latest episode of Meerkat Manor! Have you seen this? It's the work of the Kalahari Meerkat Project (a long term field study done by Cambridge University near the Botswana border). Interested? Animal Planet. Fridays. 8pm (EST). Hop on the Meerkat train folks! If my excitement doesn't sell you, maybe this will: try to imagine what would happen if Days of Our Lives cross-pollinated with Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom - all narrated by Sean Astin (for those lesser geeks out there - he played the Hobbit, Samwise Gamgee {aka - Frodo's faithful friend and sidekick; guy ROBBED of an Oscar}, in the LOTR movies). And if that STILL doesn't get you to tune in, or at least TIVO, this should:

Man you are crazy!
So, are you a primatologist?
Christine - I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell.
Rex - kinda.
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