He's ba-ack....
Yes, that's 'Weird Al' Yankovic, and he's done it again.
There I was leafing through a back issue of Rolling Stone when I come upon a random picture of James Blunt - former Captain of the British Army turned pop star - sitting on a beach somewhere with a way too damn thin model. But I digress. The significance to all of this is that under the picture they say that Weird Al has parodied Blunt's mega hit, You're Beautiful, calling it You're Pitiful. This, ladies and gents, has the making of a Weird Al classic. It's up there with Like a Surgeon and Fat. Plain and simple, it's good stuff!
Now, I'll be the first to admit that I didn't want to like James Blunt. He's kinda whiney, and his voice can be quite feminine. However, after a while, I broke down and bought his album Back to Bedlam and for some strange reason can listen to it on repeat. I find it soothing and think the songs are beautifully written.
Anyway, back to our main event - Al. His parody is a must hear. But first, if you're not familiar with the work of Mr. Blunt (and if you're not, you've been living in a cave as You're Beautiful has been in heavy radio rotation for at least 15 weeks) click here to check out the video stream and hear the tune (also, check out the nifty monkey on the page!!). Then, listen to Al here and enjoy!!
The James Blunt video - I think he's killing himself. Taoist_pagan disagrees. What do you think?
Weird Al's f'n brilliant. I saw him concert a few years ago, and what got me was how massive he is. I hadn't looked at him since the old 80s videos, and he looks small and skinny, but he is anything but short!
Ran across this, thought you ought to get one.
d. rex's link is a hoot! I agree you do need one of those. Weird Al is a true artist, you have to be talented and smart to do a righteous parody. I'm not sure someone of Paris Hilton's caliber could do it without hiring people to write and sing for her.
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
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