I left work, as usual, really late this evening - around 7:30pm. I was there for almost 13 hours and was somewhat grumbly on the way to my car. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, this precious little creature came along and made me smile wider than I have in some time. Simply put, baby animals ROCK! If you click on the picture(s), you can get a closer look at the little darling. Enjoy!!

Your response to anonymous was nothing short of awesome. I was about to post some quippy, little dismissive comment but after you and Poppersmoke weighed in, I felt there was nothing more to say. No apology necessary, I don’t mind war zones as long as they’re figurative.
Again, bravo. Your response was well-reasoned, thorough, and — as far as I’m concerned — definitive. You should also take a peek at what Poppersmoke had to say to that smuk, as well. It’s rather amusing.
Anyway, now I know a little more about you. I’m impressed, your profession is indeed a noble one. Keep up the good work.
One more thing I loved your little salt-in-the-wound remark at the end. Reminding anonymous that, despite how much they hate the concept of stem cell research, they are funding it was... BRILLIANT!
What? You grumbly?
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