You're intelligent people, I'm sure. However, I'm willing to bet that you may not see beyond the obvious in the above picture. Sure, the smiles on the faces are similar (not to degrade the chimpanzee in any way) but do you know what else they have in common? Come on; think hard. Give up? Aside from getting a little cranky when they don't get their afternoon nap, both are good at fooling with numbers! Chimps will hide pieces of fruit behind their backs, or in their mouths, and pretend they don't have any just to get more. Mr. Bush predicted at the beginning of the year that the national deficit would be well over $400 billion and then he so happens to have a mid-year report showing that they can slash their prediction to a little less than $300 billion. And do you know why they're all so excited? It's because 300 is LESS than 400. Well, DUH!! Bully for us! A balanced budget to $300 billion dollars in debt in less than six years. Yay us! We done good.
So as we all sit back and watch yet another myriad of funding for good causes such as schools and public libraries get cut, we can rejoice in the fact that Our Glorious Leader (henceforth to be known as OGL {pronounced "ogle" as in 'Stop ogling my boobs!'} on this blog) understands that less is good.
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