
The cold, icy hand of death reaches for...

Yes, ladies and gents, that's correct. Ken 'Kenny Boy' Lay, the corrupt former CEO of Enron, and major supporter of the Bush administration (does anyone see a pattern there?), died of a massive MI in Aspen, Colorado early this morning. This news was apparently brought to the attention of the media by Mr. Lay's pastor - Dr. Steve Wendt. Yes, his PASTOR, the 'doctor'. And I'm thinking that 'Dr.' ain't no MD, DO, PhD or anything that would qualify him to ascertain the condition of the body of Mr. Lay. Hello? The real doctors have performed an autopsy and the results are out - they're calling it 'coronary artery disease with no foul play seen'. I'm personally going to hold out for the tox reports and see what his blood stream has to say about all this. Somehow I'm not buying that 'The Foreman of Fraud' just up and bought the farm conveniently two months shy of his sentencing. However, if he was thinking about the possibility of becoming somebody's bitch, that just may have done his candy-ass in.

That being said, we should all remember that Mr. Lay had a family. For their loss, I have sympathy.

1 comment:

Dwardisimo Rex said...

Personally, I’m a bit dismayed. It seems odd that Kenny Boy was in a hurry to meet his maker — surely his prospects for eternity don’t look too promising.

I read your “Restoring faith in humanity” post and was pleasantly surprised that I inspired you to post links to your favorite charities. I guess I have to say I feel somewhat honored.

On another note, It looks like your newfound karma has helped your spirit behind the French national team. It will be interesting to see if they can over power the Italians, though. But what do I know, I had predicted an all-South America final.

By the way, I hope you don’t mind that I’ve added your blog to my list of blogs I like to frequent.