
Well I'll be damned...

Go to Google and type the word 'failure'. Then, click the 'I'm Feeling Lucky' button and see what pops up in front of your eyes. I know that the current administration is pretty much one giant SNAFU, but I really don't know what to make of this. On the other hand, I don't know why part of me finds it somewhat shocking. Getting sympathetic? Hope not. Guess it's time to go back and re-read Shrub...


Dwardisimo Rex said...

That reminds me of when they would display this when you searched for "weapons of mass distructiion."

For the most part, I've been absent from the blogosphere for the past week. Nothing alarming to report, I’ve just been really busy. I’ve been reading your posts but haven’t had time to write one of my own. Thanks for your concern, though, that was nice.

As far as Mr. Crackpot, I would say that your second guess is probably true. I changed my settings (which is probably why my profile went away for a spell) so that no one can post anonymously. He/she let their cowardice get in the way of them getting the last word, I reckon.

I have an NRT annex post brewing in the back of my head that I plan to get posted in the coming days. Happy Monday and have a great week.

Christine said...

That is too funny! When I get some time I will check out the book.